The Covid-19 impact has continued to be immense with about two million British residents out of work. This has put more pressure on the government to roll out more bailouts.
More British citizens out of job in six months
It is reported that about two million British residents are jobless for at least six months due to the economic problems brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. Those affected are unemployed citizens or furloughed. A group called the Foundation to think–tank has told those organizing the furlough scheme to do more after the restrictions have been lifted.
The UK government through its treasury said the government will put more funds into creating employment opportunities and protect jobs. It is estimated that about 800,000 people have been classified out of jobs since July 2020. Even those working, about 9% are expected to lose employment in the second water or will have their salaries slashed by 50%.
Unemployment in the UK remains high despite government efforts
Nye Cominetti, a chief economist at Resolution Foundation said, though the UK economic recovery is on track, unemployment is high and is expected to increase before July. The furlough scheme was put in place to cater partial wages for those on leave or who have been in extended unemployment. The foundation advised the government not to remove the scheme immediately after lockdown but says the scheme hasn’t served its function till after the COVID-19 pandemic is over.
It says the government should do more for sectors that have been greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, there are more than seven sectors that have been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Sectors like aviation, leisure, and entertainment top the list of sectors that need serious financial assistance from the government.
While the UK financial scheme remains unclear until after the lockdown has been eased, many are pleading with the government to come out with a clear economic blueprint.